Happy Fall!

We lucked out with the nice warm weather for little M. Thank you guys for the fun photo shoot. His squeals were adorable!

For the Book...

I was honored to take your author picture. These are great memory photos! See you soon!

The Love of Siblings!
I enjoyed taking photos of L & F in the park. Although challenging at times getting them to "enjoy" each other's company, their drama was so funny and the pictures turned out great!

I love his expressions and snaggle-tooth!

She is just beautiful!

Their smiles really show when they're having fun!

Thank you guys. More proofs to come shortly!

Getting Started

So I'm still working on getting my website set up and everything else that's invloved. I'm so anxious and excited to get started! Please keep checking in for new updates! I appreciate everyone's support.


About Me

Kendall Martin is a modern lifestyle photographer specializing in baby, children, teen, family & engagement portraits using natural light.